Welcome to the President's Corner
I'm Ashley Lascor, President of Silver Linings Home Care Solutions! My passion for the senior community offers me unique opportunities to support and care for the seniors and those that need help the most. This area offers an opportunity for me to connect to my community and provide as many resources as possible.
- Getting Involved in the Community -
Outreach & Promoting Compassionate Care
As President of Silver Lining Home Care Solutions, I'm always working on ways to engage with my community and promote compassion in care. I sat down with the Vivid Verb Podcast, a podcast about women paving the way for future family-minded entrepreneurs. Listen as we discuss focusing on leading with compassion, the importance of the support system, and celebrating the wins. Listen here!

Silver Linings is committed to providing support and information every step of the way. Our staff is constantly working to provide articles that encourage advocacy, self-care, mental health, and much more. Subscribe now to get updates straight to your inbox!